Darren, when can we expect updated tactics for the 14.3.0 update patch? I found that in the 14.2.2 match engine, even with a world class team that won the Champions League, we struggled to put up 80 goals per season. Hopefully the 14.3.0 engine will increase the viability of scoring outside of set pieces?
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Football Manager Patch 14.2.2 No
Every effort will be made to quote all potential new managers for the market, but should a manager not quoted be appointed, all bets will stand.Caretaker and interim managers will not count unless they complete at least 10 competitive games or the club indicate the manager will be appointed to cover at least 10 or more games. They will then be deemed the permanent manager and paid as a winner without clients having to wait for 10 or more games to be completed. Should a club appoint a director of football this will not count in the settlement of permanent manager markets.If one or more persons are in charge of selecting/managing the team after 10 or more games are played or appointed permanently then both or all are deemed winners but dead heat rules will apply. In the event that the named club change the structure of their management team and do not call the appointed individual first team manager, we will settle the market on the individual who is responsible for picking the first team. In the event of any ambiguity over the appointment we may determine, using reasonable discretion, how to settle the market based on all the information available to us at the relevant time.1.2. Managers to lose their positions by the end of the season 2ff7e9595c